The military gorget was a piece of ballistic armor used by military commanders in the 17th and 18th centuries that was created exclusively to defend the throat and upper chest. The steel collar is intended to safeguard against damages caused by non-projectile weaponry like swords and lances. It was typical for this garment to include decoration or delineation indicating the wearer’s office or rank.

In recent years, the German Gorget has been employed in Gothic costumes and attire for both men and women. These military items are usually black and formed of leather, lace, feathers, or rubber. Paintballers, motorbike riders, all-terrain vehicle drivers, and trek sport bikers all wear gorgets as protective gear when they are not wearing fashionable clothing.

Skylark infantry has been persistently providing high-quality uniform accessories, including field caps, sword knots, embroidered badges, rosettes, etc., and standard services to nations across the globe. They have an active team of highly qualified workers to fulfill the demands of the world’s most sophisticated and classic uniforms and accessories for military services, clubs, institutions, and organizations.

Skylark infantry offers high-quality military gorgets with buttons over them with 100% guaranteed leather and rust-free steel. The hook at the back is strong enough to be held in any type of garment. They are lightweight and super comfortable to do everything from attending a formal meeting or worn on the job. it doesn’t require much style because it already appears youthful and sophisticated.

All sizes and shades are modifiable, and we welcome you to bring us your unique designs for estimated costs. Orders of any size are appreciated. OEM Service is provided

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